Keep Your Ears on the Ball
The First Real-Time iOS/Android
Full Radio Broadcast System for Your Venue

SoundSystem Live
Ultra Low-Latency, High Fidelity, Real-Time Game Audio on iOS & Android Phones...
And Enhance Venue Revenue with Responsive Fan Engagement
Treat your fans to

Engage Fans and Prosper
No Capital Investment
You already have wifi, 5G/LTE
All you need is a mixer, mic & laptop
Sell More Tickets, Food, & Merch
Radio ads work and drive traffic
Announce concession specials, prizes
Enhance Community, Diversity, and Accessibility
Offer languages, special needs, sight impaired
Make everyone feel welcome and involved

Provided Free to Happy, Hungry, Thirsty Fans
"Radio" commercials drive sales of concessions, merchandise, and tickets. You will want everyone listening and telling their friends.
A win-win proposition for fans and venues alike

Your Complete
Sports Audio Solution

Totally Integrated Turnkey System
Radio Production
Cloud-based Radio Automation
For Live Radio Assist
For 24/7/365 Always On-Air Streaming​
Collaborative, Multi-Location Co-Hosts, Optional ​
Cloud-based Multi-Line Broadcast Phone System​
For Call-In/Out Listeners and Guests
Local/Remote Screener or Solo Use
Low Latency, Studio Quality Remotes​
For On-Air Audio Feeds from Other Locations​
From Field, Locker Rooms, Other Stadiums
Radio Delivery
Live Audio to Fans In-Venue, Geofenced
Ultra Low Latency, Real-Time​ Action
Studio Quality, 48kHz
Redundant "Bonded" 5G & WiFi
Free Event Sound App or Via Team App
Streaming 24/7/365 Radio, Worldwide​
​Includes Radio Player for Team Website​
Compatible with Major Radio Tuners
Syndication to Affiliate AM/FM/Sat Stations​
Automatic Server-Side Podcast Creation
Includes Podcast Hosting and Delivery​
Automatic Alexa Feeds
Always On-Air and Connected
Live Audio
on Game Day
Real-time Play-by-Play
Sub-Second Latency
Studio Quality Sound
48kHz Audio
Scalable to >100k Fans
Via Existing 5G/WiFi
Exclusive Coverage Area
Geo-Restricted to Venue
24/7 Team Radio
Every Day
Stream Game Replays and Interviews
Promote Year-Round with a Full Broadcast Radio Suite, Live and Automated, from Anywhere
Includes Podcasts, Phones, Remotes, Streaming, and Syndication
Unlimited Worldwide Audience
Share Updates about Pre/Post Game Traffic, Safety, and Parking

How to Operate SoundSystem Live

Before the Game Broadcast
Plug in laptop, Mixer & Mics
Open Backbone Radio App​​​
Connect to the Internet
Broadcast the Game
On Backbone Radio App, Go Live
Select SoundSystem "button" on App
Now you are connected to fans only within your geofenced venue​
The rest of the world gets only your stream (live or other automated)
Use Backbone Radio live assist for stop sets, commercial breaks, and to play recordings​
During the Game
Take phone calls on-air from fans, guests, or other teams/venues
Bring in studio quality remotes from other parts of the stadium or world
Syndicate your live broadcast in real time to affiliate stations
Insert lots of live or recorded commercial announcements for concessions and merchandise
After the Game
Shut down, unplug, go home
The in-venue SoundSystem Live audio feed will terminate automatically and revert to your worldwide radio stream​